5 Important Questions to Ask While Looking for a New Marketing Agency

Whether it’s your first time hiring one or you’re just looking to switch things up, finding a new marketing agency can be challenging for business owners. Marketing is a crowded field, and with so many agencies offering similar packages and services, it can be hard to find that perfect fit.

While that may be true, those willing to do a little digging may find they have a much easier time narrowing down their options. It makes sense: you really have to go beyond the basic information provided on an agency’s website to figure out if they’re right for your business. So, the next time you’re interviewing around, here are 5 important questions to ask while looking for a new marketing agency.

1. Do You Have Any Specialities?

If possible, you may want to go with a marketing agency that specializes in your industry. They should already know how to run an effective marketing campaign for your business, and they may even be able to provide you with examples of their previous work. This way, you can get a sense of what direction they’d go in with your marketing campaign, and whether it’d be the right fit for your business.

2. What Kind of Experience Do You Have? 

Sometimes, you cannot find or may not want an agency with experience in your field. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as a fresh pair of eyes on a marketing campaign can really reinvigorate a product or service and re-engage customers. In this case, you may choose to go with a particular agency based on their general track record, even if it’s within a completely different industry. If they’ve worked hard and been successful in other fields, then maybe they’ll be able to do the same in yours.

3. Who Will I Be Working With Directly?

This can vary depending on the agency. Sometimes you’ll work directly with the marketing team, other times you’ll have a dedicated project manager, and still other times you may just be communicating with an automated system. All of these have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, but it’s important that you’re comfortable with the option presented by the agency. If you’re not, then move onto the next one.

4. How Much Will Your Services Cost? Are There Any Other Billing Details I Should Be Aware Of?

Once you’ve discussed your needs with your new potential marketing agency, it’s often a good idea to ask about the full cost. The prices listed on their website may not cover everything needed for your particular project, and you don’t want to be surprised by the bill.

Here are some questions you may want to run by the agency:

  • What is the initial cost? When is the rest of the money due?
  • Does it cost extra if my project goes over budget? How much?
  • What are the costs for third-party expenses?

5. Can I Take a Look at Your Portfolio?

If you’re going to be putting your trust into a new marketing agency, then you need to be happy with their work. By examining an agency’s portfolio, you can get a sense of the direction they took with other projects and see if it would be a good fit for your business.

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