Effectively Promoting Your Law Firm Online: How to Guide

Did you know that nearly 65% of law firms spend most of their marketing budget online?

And for good reason. While there’s certainly a place for your traditional marketing methods, like print, radio, and television ads, digital marketing is often the best way to extend your reach and grow your client base. After all, who doesn’t spend at least some of their time on the Internet these days?

If you’re going to go the digital marketing route, though, you need to know what you’re doing if you want to be successful. To help you out, we’ve created a how to guide to effectively promoting your law firm online. Check it out below, and start building your digital marketing strategy today!

Develop Your Brand

If you want to effectively market your law firm online, the first step is to really develop and understand your own personal brand. Sure, you offer legal services, but so do many others in your field. What sets your law firm apart from the competition? Who is your target audience? How are you uniquely qualified to help them? You need to give people reasons to choose your firm over your rivals.

You may also consider taking this a step further and have each lawyer in your firm come up with and promote their own personal brands. This can make them seem more personable and accessible to potential clients. You can put this information in the “about us” section on your website. Speaking of which…

Create a Good Website

You probably already have a website for your law firm, but be honest: is it any good? If you want your website to be effective, it should include the following:

  • Your firm’s logo and color scheme
  • Lawyer bios
  • A fast, responsive, easy-to-navigate, mobile-friendly design
  • Contact information
  • Client testimonials
  • Blog
  • Links to social media accounts
  • SEO optimization

You don’t want to give someone a reason to navigate away from your website, like it’s slow or doesn’t provide the information they’re looking for, so make sure you cover all the basics.

Have an Active Social Media Presence

It seems like everyone has at least one social media account these days, so your firm should be taking advantage of such a large audience. If you want to use these platforms most effectively, consider having each lawyer at your firm create their own profiles. There’s a platform out there to suit just about everyone’s styles, so each individual should be able to find one that they’re comfortable using for business purposes.

However, merely having a social media account isn’t enough if you want it to be an effective marketing method. You need everyone to be an active participant. This means they need to reply to their followers’ questions, comment on other pages, and share their own content through regular posts. This can be a great way for lawyers to engage with potential clients and show off both their knowledge and personality. Plus, if they share content and it ends up going viral, your firm could be exposed to a larger audience than it ever has before.

Need some help creating content? Learn more about Legal Verb’s content services here.


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