3 Tips to Keep Consistent with Marketing Your Law Firm

Between client meetings, preparing for trials, drafting contracts, and the many other tasks lawyers may have to accomplish during a typical work week, a law firm can be a pretty busy place. While it can be good to focus so much of your time and energy on your clients and their goals, it can also be easy to forget or otherwise neglect other parts of your business, including your marketing plan.

If you find that your marketing campaigns have been making their way to the bottom of your to-do list lately, then there are a few things you may want to try to keep things on track. Here are our 3 tips to keep consistent with marketing your law firm.

Tip #1: Brainstorm Bunches of Content at a Time

Instead of coming up with fresh new content each time you want to post something on your website, take the time to sit down and brainstorm a list of content ideas that will last you a few weeks or even a few months. This way you won’t have to scramble to come up with something if you’re just remembering to post at the last minute.

When coming up with content, think about what kinds of questions your clients may want answered and how you can help them at your firm. Be sure to include a call to action at the end of your posts to let them know what to do next if they require more information and/or need to get in touch with one of your lawyers.

Try blocking out some time in your calendar to devote to these brainstorming sessions on a monthly or quarterly basis. You may be more likely to keep it up if you establish a routine, so keep your schedule consistent.

Tip #2: Organize Your Content

Now that you have all this content, you should consider putting it into a content calendar. This is where you can organize your posts according to when they may be of most value to your prospective clients.

For example, you may have some ideas that would be most relevant and well-received around the holidays, tax time, or even in certain weather. Take the time to note any important dates or events that may be of significance to your audience, and either plug in the relevant content you’ve already brainstormed or come up with something else that fits the bill. If you’re consistently putting out helpful, relevant content at the same time each year, your prospective clients may know to look to your website for this kind of advice.

Tip #3: Hire a Pro

Again, law firms are busy places. No matter how much you may want to make marketing a priority, it can be difficult to find the time to create and post new content consistently.

If your firm is struggling to stay on top of its marketing strategy, then it may be a good idea to consider hiring a professional. It may cost you a bit extra, but an agency that specializes in digital marketing for law firms should know what kind of content you need and how often it should be posted to effectively reach your target audience, and it’s hard to put a price on that.


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