Reaching Your Ideal Client in Legal Marketing

When it comes to attracting clients to your firm, you may think that more is always better. The more people you try and reach out to, the better the chance you have of landing clients, right?

It does make sense, but unless you have a huge legal marketing budget and the time to spend trying to cater to everyone, then you’re likely going to be wasting a lot of money and effort that could be better spent on other parts of your business. Keep in mind that website visitors and potential clients aren’t necessarily the same thing, so it’s important to try and identify what sets your clients apart from your average visitor if you want those quality leads.

It may take a bit of extra work, but fortunately it’s not too difficult. Here are some tips on reaching your ideal client in legal marketing.

Identify Your Ideal Client

The first step toward reaching your ideal client is to figure out who they are in the first place. This will help you decide what kind of legal marketing techniques would be most effective in attracting your target audience.

Now, there isn’t necessarily one right way of doing this, as law firms and their ideal clients can vary greatly from one another, but there are some things you may want to take into consideration. For example, a good place to start would be your current client list. Look at your most productive and profitable clients and see if you can identify what they have in common. If you have a good-sized client list, then you should be able to get a pretty good idea of your ideal target audience.

If, on the other hand, you don’t have a lot of clients, then you may just want to think about who would benefit most from your services. Take the time to create a demographic profile for your ideal client (like age, gender, income, etc.), and then tailor your marketing accordingly.

Learn About and Reach Out to Your Ideal Client

Now that you’ve determined your ideal client, you should learn how and where you’ll be able to get their attention. If your firm uses a marketing automation system to track visitors’ behaviours on your website, for example, then you may want to look there for insights into what kind of content may be bringing in the right kind of traffic. Are there certain informational blog posts that are garnering the most attention? Or do you have an e-book or webinar that has been especially popular? Find out what your ideal client is interested in and focus on producing relevant, quality content.

You may even consider heading out into the outside world to reach your ideal clients. If you’re interested in catering to a specific segment of professionals, for example, see if you can secure a speaking opportunity at a tradeshow or conference. Or, if you want to keep things online, start a podcast and invite your ideal clients on to talk about their relevant legal issues.

It may make you uneasy narrowing down your client focus like this, as it may mean missing out on other opportunities, but serving similar people in similar situations will allow you to hone your skills, making you more of an authority in your field. And eventually, your reputation itself will help you reach your ideal clients.


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