How Often Should You Post Legal Blog Content?

In the modern era, every firm needs legal blog content to generate leads and establish itself as an authority in its field. This is a widely known fact, but there are some key aspects that many law firms are quite clear about when it comes to how that legal blog should be maintained. 

At, we aid legal services of all kinds with legal blog content creation, law firm blog management, and more. In this blog post, we'll cover how often you should post a legal blog and why it's important to maintain one properly. 

Balance is Key

There is no one size fits all option for exactly how often a legal blog needs to be updated. Depending on the field of law, the target audience, and how much is happening in that particular field, the number of necessary posts per month may fluctuate

However, some tell-tale signs will show when it's the right time to post legal content. 

The most important sign that a blog needs content more frequently is that it has grown stale and irrelevant. When visitor statistics start to drop off, and none of a blog's current posts are being engaged with, it's a good sign that the target demographic is looking for information the blog isn't providing. 

This can be remedied by simply keeping up to date with current events in the legal world. Staying on top of the latest legal information will make content generation a breeze, ensure there are new posts when appropriate, and allow potential leads to see the firm as an authority on legal matters. 

How to Post Legal Content Effectively

Once a legal content writer is hired on to generate an attorney's law content, some basic blog writing techniques need to be used to maximize each post's ROI. 

Here are the basics. 

Create Diverse Legal Content

A proper legal blog won't fixate on a single topic or even a single writing style. Potential clients often search the internet based on their needs, and they often start searching before they even know they need a lawyer. 

An attorney looking to diversify their law firm blog's content will cover a vast array of topics relevant to their legal field. For example, an attorney specializing in class action lawsuits may post a new legal blog each time a major class-action lawsuit is reported to the masses, but they'll also cover topics such as how class action lawsuits work, what participants should expect, etc. 

This approach ensures the website generates the maximum amount of traffic and provides visitors with authoritative information. 

Target Niche Audiences

Topics with a broad audience are useful for netting site traffic and leads, but more targeted, highly specific posts will attract leads that are much more likely to engage with a firm's service. 

A highly targeted post would be a topic that speaks directly to a certain age group with a very specific problem, and the content would cater to that demographic's needs. 

For example, a legal blog regarding early estate planning for Millenials would count as a highly-targeted post. 

Use Filler Content

Not every post needs to be a breaking headline. Waiting for such topics to become relevant will likely end in a barren blog that doesn't rank well in search engines. 

Instead, every legal blog should regularly post “filler” posts that provide value on very basic concepts. This regular activity will not only cover the basic needs of visitors, but it will appease Google's SEO requirements and lead to a higher rank in search results. 

Hire a Legal Blog Writer Service

Managing a frequently updated blog is a difficult task when you consider the plethora of tasks required throughout an attorney's day. If you're trying to maintain a professional, relevant, and high-ranking law firm blog, can help. 

We can provide expert-level legal content custom-tailored for your site, and each piece of content is edited and proofread by a licensed attorney. 

Contact us today to learn more about how can help you to develop your own legal blog content.


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