Estate Planning: Word of Mouth Vs Legal Content Writing

Estate planning attorneys are probably aware that this particular area of law tends to still operate in a hands-on manner. Specifically, clients are typically gained by putting in a bit of footwork and reaching out directly to the community. In other words, word of mouth is still an integral part of the estate planning world. 

However, that is quickly changing, and many estate planning firms will start noticing that their old methods are declining reliability. The internet is quickly working its way into every facet of modern life, and this includes law. 

The most noticeable aspect of the internet's effect on companies of any sort is the prevalence of online research before committing to purchases. In the legal services arena, more than 60% of women research potential lawyers and attorneys online before hiring one, and 40% of men do the same. This is true for estate planning, too. 

What this Means for Estate Planning Attorneys

With word of mouth still being a powerful tool for estate planning attorneys, attorneys may believe they have plenty of time to implement an online marketing presence, or that their traditional methods will simply work forever. That's not true, and the statistics prove it. 

With the majority of people ages 29 to 40 researching attorneys before settling on one choice, the time is quickly approaching where traditional word of mouth tactics won't generate nearly as many leads. 

To "future-proof" an estate planning firm, attorneys have to start implementing online marketing into their strategies as soon as possible. 

As the younger generation ages and begins worrying about estate planning, their dependence on the internet will greatly impact the estate planning sector. 

How to Use Online Marketing for Estate Planning 

At, we've been aiding attorneys of all kinds with our experienced legal blog writers and legal content writing services. So, we know a thing or two about online marketing for lawyers and attorneys. Here are our top recommendations for getting your foot in the door of online marketing and future-proofing your estate planning firm. 

Start a Legal Blog

Legal blogs are utilized by attorneys of all kinds. They increase a firm's online presence, cement that attorney's place as an authority in their field, and provide potential clients with must-have information during their research phase. 

The best part is that attorneys don't even have to write this legal content by themselves. A legal content writer can be hired at a reasonable rate to provide high-quality content that pays off in dividends while automating the content generation process. 

Build a Website

Having a website is a must in 2021. As we said earlier, even if attorneys get most of their clients by word of mouth, potential clients still research an attorney online before committing to them. A firm without a website will likely be passed over, as this is a crucial part of instilling trust into leads. 

This can be done fairly inexpensively, and the long-term payoff will outweigh any investment a firm has to make with its site. For example, a low-cost, basic website can cost as little as $35 a month but keep in mind that more complex, higher traffic sites can cost much more than that.

Utilize Your Avvo Profile

Avvo automatically generates a legal profile based on an attorney's public information. With an hour,  attorneys can claim their profile, fill out very basic information, and end up at the top of search results. For any estate planning attorney looking for cheap and easy online marketing, Avvo is a solid first step. 

Strategize and Start Marketing Now

Right now, estate planning attorneys can rely on word of mouth to get new clients. Soon, online marketing will be key to success. By starting now, attorneys can develop their online presence and be a step above the competition. 

If you're an attorney looking to build your online presence and marketing strategy, contact today. We specialize in writing high-quality legal content proofread and edited by real attorneys, and we can help with your legal blog, law firm blog, and more. 


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