Ways to Increase Your Law Firm’s E-Mail List

One of the best ways for your law firm to expand and connect with customers is through e-mail campaigns. To do that, you need a comprehensive and professional email list done at a very high level. But how can you add more people to your email list? Here are some creative, innovative ways to achieve great results!

Write some creative subject lines

You need to realize that the average person receives dozens of emails per day. And that doesn't even include spam emails most of the time, so you want to create emails that really stand out. Ensure that you create unique, enticing headlines that will capture the user's attention and bring him towards your content. That can be a bit hard to do, but with the right ideas and approach, you will be able to make it work very well.

Add some signup options on social media

Usually, you will have many social media clients, and it makes a lot of sense to enroll them into your email list. Include a link to your email newsletter on social media. You have tab and app options for this, and remember to say it’s free, as it will bring some more attention.

Provide sneak previews

Your law firm can also offer some sneak previews related to new laws or provide free advice on your blog. The idea is to provide something enticing via your newsletter, so you can encourage people to browse your newsletter and see what you have to offer.

Use post-scripts

Postscripts added at the end of an email or letter tend to be more of a personal note. You can add a question and answer session, maybe a testimonial- anything that you will find enticing. As long as you're creative and focused on making it unique and exciting, you will be more than ok.austin distel gUIJ0YszPig unsplash

Hello Bars

Hello Bar is a very popular plugin that will help you gain new subscribers. What it does is it allows you to add an appealing text that invites them to subscribe. You will encourage people to sign up and share a freebie for that. But a Hello Bar will make it appear a lot more interesting and enticing, and that's exactly what you need to consider!

Unpersonalized intros

You don't always need a personalized intro, if anything, it can be less beneficial. You want to keep the emails professional, full of information, but don't customize them in an insincere way. Just leave them general as it’s a lot better.


We recommend you to use these tips if you want to increase the law firm traffic, while also making the user experience a lot better. You want your emails to be informative and to provide value to readers. Once that happens, your readers will encourage their friends, family, or colleagues to subscribe to your emails, which will help create a larger and more comprehensive email list!


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