Why Law Firms Should Have Quality Website Content

Lawyers have notoriously busy schedules. The last thing they want to have to worry about is creating content for their website. Is it really necessary?

While you’d probably love to hear a “no” here, that’s not going to be the case! In fact, creating and including unique, quality content on your law firm’s website could be just what you need to outrank your competition and land some new clients.

Intrigued? Here’s more on why law firms should have quality website content.

It Improves Your SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, should be an essential part of your firm’s digital marketing campaign. See, it helps improve your firm’s organic rankings on search engines like Google, and this is practically vital to your online success. Research shows that the first five organic results on the first search engine results page receive nearly 68% of all the clicks.

What does this have to do with content? When Google notices that your website has been drawing in a lot of traffic with your unique, quality content, they’ll improve your rankings accordingly. Even moving up just one spot can increase the traffic to your site, so you should always be striving to improve your SEO.

It Establishes Your Firm as an Authority in Your Field

When people are looking for a lawyer, they typically want someone who really knows their stuff. After all, this attorney may end up having to face off against their competition. How do they know they’re going to have a better chance of winning with you than your rivals?

A blog that regularly features quality, informative content is a great way to show off your knowledge to potential clients. By addressing and offering advice on the legal issues that matter to your target audience, you can establish your firm as an authority in the field. This can give visitors the confidence they need to give your firm a call over the competition.

It Allows You to Reach a Wider Audience

How are you currently drawing traffic to your law firm’s website? Let’s say you’re a divorce lawyer that works out of Toronto, for example, do people have to specifically search for “divorce lawyer in Toronto” to find your site? If this is the only way that people can learn about your firm then you may be missing out on a lot of your target audience, even if they are searching for relevant content.

So, what do you do? You provide that relevant content. Let’s say someone types in “how to file for divorce in Toronto”. If you’ve recently written a blog post that addresses this topic, then they may come across your content and decide to give you a call. Then, if they find the post particularly helpful, they may choose to share it with their followers on social media. This helps expose your site and content to an even wider audience that wasn’t actively searching for a lawyer in the first place. Perhaps they’ll take note of the post and keep you in mind when they’re going through a similar situation.

Don’t have time to create content? No problem! Contact us at Legal Verb today for all your legal content writing needs.


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