5 Legal Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Blogging is a great way to connect with potential clients, build your brand and establish yourself as an authority in your field. However, there are some common mistakes that law firms make when blogging that can hurt their chances of success. In this post, we will discuss 5 of the most common legal blogging mistakes and how to avoid them.

1)  Not Posting Regularly 

One of the most common mistakes that law firms make is not posting regularly. A blog that is updated infrequently is likely to be forgotten about by readers. To avoid this, make sure to post regularly and on a schedule that you can stick to. This will keep your readers coming back for more.

For best results, try posting at least once a week. This will give you enough time to create quality content without feeling overwhelmed.

However, if you can’t commit to posting that often, you could always try teaming up with another lawyer or law firm to share the burden. This way, you can still provide your readers with quality content on a regular basis.

2) Not Having a Clear Focus

Another mistake that firms make is not having a clear focus for their blog. A blog without a focus is likely to be all over the place and confusing for readers. Make sure to choose a specific focus for your blog and stick to it. This will help you attract readers who are interested in what you have to say.

For example, if your law firm specializes in family law, your blog should focus on topics related to this area of practice. This could be anything from tips for divorcing couples to how to deal with child custody issues.

By having a clear focus, you can make sure that your blog is relevant and useful for your target audience.

3) Writing in a Dry, Legalistic style

One of the biggest mistakes that law firms make is writing in a dry, legalistic style. This can be off-putting for readers and make your blog hard to read. Instead, try to write in a more casual and conversational style. This will make your blog more enjoyable and will help you connect with your readers.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should sacrifice quality for style. Your blog posts should still be well-researched and informative. However, there’s no need to use overly technical language or legal jargon.

For example, instead of saying “the plaintiff filed a motion to dismiss the case”, you could say “the plaintiff asked the court to throw out the case”.

By writing in a more accessible style, you can make sure that your blog posts are readable and enjoyable for everyone.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, there are a few common mistakes that law firms make when blogging. However, by posting regularly, having a clear focus, and writing in an accessible style, you can avoid these mistakes and create a successful blog that will help your law firm grow.

Don’t have the time for blog posts? Check out our legal content services at Legal Verb here.


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