4 Meta Description Tips to Help Your Law Firm Blog Get More Traffic

As a law firm, you know that blogging is a great way to get your name out there and attract new clients. But if your posts haven't been getting the results you've been looking for, then you may be missing one important detail: an effective meta description. Meta descriptions are the brief descriptions that appear under your blog title in search engine results pages (SERP), and they play a big role in whether or not someone clicks through to your blog. In this blog post, we will discuss 4 meta description tips that will help improve your blog's search engine ranking and generate more traffic.

1) Keep It Short and Sweet

A meta description should be no longer than 150-160 characters, which is about the length of one short sentence. Any longer and you run the risk of getting cut off in SERP, which can make your blog post look unappealing to potential readers. You want to make sure that your meta description is able to give a clear and concise overview of your blog post's content, so be sure to stick to the main points.

2) Include the Main Keyword and a Brief Summary

So what should you include in your meta description? A good rule of thumb is to include the main keyword or phrase for your blog post, as well as a brief summary of what the reader can expect to find in your post.

For example, if you're writing a blog post about "family law in California", your meta description might look something like this:

"Need help with family law in California? Our blog post will provide you with an overview of the different types of family law cases and what to expect."

By including your main keyword as well as a brief summary, you'll be able to give potential readers a good idea of what your blog post is about and why they should read it.

3) Use Active Voice and Strong Verbs

When writing your meta description, be sure to use active voice and strong verbs. This will make your description more engaging and easier to read. For example, rather than saying "Our blog post will provide you with an overview of family law in California", you could say "Get an overview of family law in California with our blog post."

Using active voice and strong verbs will make your meta description more clickable, and attract people to your posts.

4) Use Natural Language

When writing your meta description, it's important to use natural language. This means using words and phrases that people are actually going to search for. For example, instead of saying "This blog post will teach you everything you need to know about family law in California", you could say "Learn about the different types of family law cases in California with our blog post."

By using natural language, your meta description seems more relatable and easier for people to understand. Readers typically won’t click on something that doesn’t resonate with them in some way.

The Bottom Line

If you're looking to generate more traffic for your law firm blog, it's important to focus on creating effective meta descriptions. By following the tips above, you'll be able to improve your blog's search engine ranking and attract more readers. Thanks for reading!

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