Keyword Tools for Law Firm Blogs

Finding keywords for your website is never easy, but with the right tools and features, you will be able to make it work. It all comes down to implementing the right solutions and knowing what tools to use for the best experience. Even if it might be a bit challenging to do that, results can be great in the end.

SEO Book

This is a great tool because it will help you figure out the best tools and it can even estimate the position based on how you use everything. It’s a system that works incredibly well, and the experience you receive is second to none. The attention to detail is amazing here, and the tool is pretty impressive on its own.


Virante allows you to find keywords that are doing a very good job of finding keywords very fast. You just add your keyword and that’s it, the tool will identify what keywords you need and you can go from there. It’s a very distinctive tool and one that can make a massive difference for everyone that uses this type of stuff often.


You can state if a keyword is relevant or not, and based on that you can group keywords without a problem. While it might feel a little hard to use at first, the app is great and it does bring in front some pretty powerful features for you to work with.

Google AdWords and Google Autocomplete

Google will autocomplete your queries with the most popular searches. This helps you figure out what people want to check out, what information is needed, and so on. It’s definitely a great tool to use as a beginner. Then you also have AdWords, where you can see what keywords are the most paid for by companies. They also show how many searches those keywords get, so you really have a very good experience and results.

Keyword Spy

We like this tool because it allows you to spy on your competitors. You can see what keywords they are using, and that will offer you a pretty unique advantage. It’s seamless, simple and it brings a ton of potential for all users. You do want to at least test it out because it’s a really dependable and easy to use tool.


Picking good keywords will always be a chore. But if you know how to do it and what tools you use, things are a lot easier. All you need is to adapt and implement everything accordingly, search for the right keywords, and use them in your content. Use these ideas, and you will have more exposure and benefits in no time!


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