How to Convert Visitors to Clients

After you have taken the time to build a solid website for your business and implement some digital marketing strategies, it’s pretty great to be able to sit back and watch your web traffic steadily increase. You may find that you’re running into one problem, though: your client base isn’t growing along with the number of website visits. Why?

Essentially, what it boils downs to is that people are more likely to want to get into business with someone that they know and trust with their needs. While it may seem difficult to cultivate these types of relationships with unknown website visitors, there are actually a few simple strategies that you can use to help convert these individuals to clients.

Add a Live Chat Feature to Your Website

If you spend a lot of time web surfing, you’ll notice that an increasing number of websites have implemented a live chat feature. This is an excellent way of directly interacting with your potential customers because you can immediately answer any questions they may have about your business, and you can get to know each other better. 

Sure, most businesses have phone numbers and emails that customers can contact for help, but by the time they would potentially receive a response, they may have already moved on to exploring other options. Live chat allows your business to intervene before your potential customers can check out the competition.

Provide an Incentive for Trying Your Services

People love free stuff, especially when you make it clear that there’s no obligation to buy anything. In order to take advantage of this, a lot of services will offer something like free consultations to help show visitors that they’re the right fit for their needs before they fork over any money.

This also gives the business owners and employees the chance to actually sit down with their potential clients and start building relationships. If you can show that you’re likable and trustworthy, people will more likely want to work with your business.

Create a Blog

Building a blog full of useful, relevant information is a great way to begin developing trust with website visitors. Do some research to find out what topics your potential clients would be interested in and start blogging related content on a regular basis.

If you are posting helpful, quality content, then visitors will begin to see you as an authority on a subject that matters to them and will therefore be more likely to trust you with their related concerns. Blogging frequently also gives off the impression that you care enough about your visitors that you’re willing to offer free advice, which is not necessarily characteristic of every business out there.

Optimize Your Website’s Speed

If visitors are left waiting for your website to load, they may not even give your business a chance. These days people expect websites to load quickly and efficiently, so when they don’t, it is all too easy to just click away and move on to the next one.

In essence, make sure your website is speedy – you can’t begin to build relationships with visitors if they’re not even going to wait for your website to load.


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