How to Build Brand Awareness for Law Firms of All Sizes

In this day and age, building brand awareness is practically essential to a law firm’s success. If you look at some of the top performing law firms in the country or even in your local area, you’ll probably recognize a lot of the names and know at least something about their personnel and specialties.

Now, to an extent, the top performers do tend to be some of the biggest law firms around, but that doesn’t mean that smaller firms can’t also make a significant impact when it comes to brand awareness. A smaller budget can certainly still make people take notice – provided you are using the right strategies, of course.

Looking to build brand awareness for your law firm? Here are some tips appropriate for practices of all sizes.

Identify Your Brand

While a well thought out logo and mission statement are important ways of representing your firm and what it’s about, don’t forget that your brand is also often defined by client experience. Word-of-mouth referrals can be an excellent source of new clients, so it’s helpful to know what current clients are saying about your firm when trying to identify your brand.

If you’re not interested in sitting there and grilling every client about why they referred you to someone else, then consider creating a survey. You could include questions about what attracted them to your firm, how they felt about their experience, whether or not they would refer you to others, and why. Building your brand around client experience allows you to really play to your strengths and focus on what makes you unique from the competition.

Demonstrate Your Expertise

Now that you have a better idea of your brand’s strengths, you should consider showing off your legal expertise. You want people to know that your firm actually knows what it’s talking about without specifically dispensing legal advice, and a great way to do this is by starting a blog on your company’s website.

The content could cover something like frequently asked questions about your area of expertise. For example, if you specialize in traffic tickets, you could do an article on whether or not someone should try to fight a speeding ticket in court. This helps demonstrate to clients that you have insight into the problems that concern them, and they may therefore contact you to find out more and discuss the particulars of their situation.

Have an Active Online Presence

Create profiles for your firm on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter in order to get more involved with potential clients. Try joining groups where people often ask for legal advice and answer questions when you can, allow people to message you right through the site, and create posts detailing your services and/or links to your blog. If you get lucky enough that something you post starts trending and goes viral, then a ton of people will suddenly become aware of your law firm and its brand.


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