How to Measure Content Marketing ROI for Law Firms

When it comes to content marketing, law firms can often feel like they are in uncharted territory. It's difficult to know whether the time and money being put into content is actually paying off in terms of ROI. In this blog post, we will explore some tips on how to measure content marketing ROI for law firms.

Website Traffic

One of the most important indicators of how well your content marketing is performing is website traffic. You can measure this in a number of ways, including page views, unique visitors, and time on site. By looking at these metrics, you can get a good sense of how much traffic your content is generating.

For example, if you see a significant uptick in traffic after launching a content marketing campaign, that's a good sign that your campaign is working. You can also use Google Analytics to segment your traffic to see where it's coming from. This will help you determine which channels are driving the most traffic to your site.

Lead Generation

Another key metric to measure when it comes to content marketing is lead generation. If your goal is to generate leads through your content, then you'll want to track how many leads are being generated as a result of your campaigns. There are a number of ways to do this, but one way is to use Google Analytics Goals.

You can set up a goal in Google Analytics for when someone fills out a contact form on your site. This will give you a clear picture of how many leads are coming from your content marketing efforts. You can also track other conversions, such as newsletter signups or downloads of eBooks and white papers.


Ultimately, the goal of most businesses is to drive sales. So, it's important to track how much revenue your content marketing is generating. For example, if you have an eCommerce site, you can track sales directly through your analytics platform. On the other hand, if you're a B2B company, you may need to track sales indirectly by looking at the number of closed deals or new customers acquired.

No matter how you track it, sales is a key metric to measure when it comes to ROI. By tracking sales, you can get a clear picture of how much revenue your content marketing is bringing in and whether it's worth the investment.


Another important metric to measure is engagement. This includes things like social shares, comments, and other forms of engagement. This will give you a good sense of how popular your content is and how engaged your readers are.

For example, if you see a high number of social shares, it often means that people are finding your content valuable and are sharing it with their networks. Similarly, if you see a lot of comments on your blog posts, that's a good sign that people are engaging with your content and are taking the time to leave thoughtful comments.

The Bottom Line

Content marketing is a great way to drive traffic and generate leads for your law firm. However, it's important to measure the ROI of your campaigns so that you can see whether they are actually paying off. By tracking metrics such as website traffic, lead generation, sales, and engagement, you can get a clear picture of your content marketing ROI and make necessary adjustments to improve your campaigns.

Need some legal content for your next content marketing campaign? See how Legal Verb can help here.


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