Why Building Trust Online Is Hard for a Lawyer

As a lawyer, you know that building trust with clients is essential to your success. After all, these people often need to share some really personal information with you, and depend on you to help them solve their most important legal issues. This hasn't necessarily been a problem in the past, as a lot of legal work was done face-to-face and through other more traditional methods. However, in an increasingly online world, building trust has become more difficult than ever. In this blog post, we will discuss why building trust online is hard for a lawyer, and give you some tips on how to  overcome these challenges.

Lack of Social Cues

One reason why building trust online is so difficult for lawyers is the lack of social cues. When you meet someone in person, there are all sorts of cues that you can pick up on to help you form a connection. You can see their body language, hear the inflection in their voice, and so on. But when you're communicating online, you don't necessarily have these cues to help you connect with the other person.

You can still talk to them and hear what they're saying, of course, but these cues can often give you so much information. For example, you might be able to tell if someone is nervous or lying by their body language. But without these cues, it can be much harder to build trust, for lawyers and clients alike.

The Anonymity of the Internet

Another reason why building trust online is so difficult is because of the anonymity of the internet. If a client is just chatting with a lawyer via text online, they technically have no way of knowing if they are who they say they are. Anyone could be chatting them up and pretending to be a lawyer, and many people aren't willing to take any chances when it comes to sharing personal information.

Tips on Building Trust Online

So, how can you overcome these challenges and build trust online? First, take advantage of video conferencing platforms. While you may not be able to pick up on all of the same cues as you would in person, video conferencing can help to put a client at ease and make them feel more comfortable sharing their story with you.

Second, try to be as transparent as possible. When you're communicating with a potential client, make sure to let them know who you are, what your credentials are, and your areas of expertise. The more information they have about you and what you do, the easier it will be for them to trust you.

Finally, don't be afraid to use references. If you have any clients who are willing to vouch for you, consider collecting some testimonials and posting them on your website. This can go a long way in building trust with potential clients, and may ultimately be the deciding factor in whether or not they decide to work with you.

The Bottom Line

Building trust online can be difficult, but it's not impossible. By taking advantage of video conferencing, being transparent, and using references, you can help to build the trust that you need to succeed. Now get out there and land some clients!

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