3 Simple Strategies for Law Firms Online Presence

Whenever people require nearly any kind of product or service these days, one of the first things they do is type what they’re looking for into an online search engine so they can research and compare their different options. This is why an effective online presence is so essential to organizations looking to attract business in today’s society, and law firms are no exception.

An effective online presence allows potential clients to easily find your firm and learn just about everything they need to know about your services, contact information, and company in general to see if it’s a right fit for their needs. However, with so much competition out there, it’s important to make sure that your online presence stands out above the rest.

 If you’re looking to jumpstart your law firm’s online presence, consider the following 3 simple strategies.

Build Your Website

The first thing that potential clients will likely find online is your law firm’s website. This is the best place to share all of the information that someone may want to know about your firm, such as your personnel, company history, services offered, contact information, and customer testimonials.

A good website doesn’t even have to cost you a lot of money if you’re willing to take the time to learn how to set everything up, as it can be done for under $100 a year if you use a service provider such as Squarespace or Lawlytics. On the other hand, if you don’t have the time or the know-how, you can hire an experienced web designer to craft a professional-looking website that suits your needs.

It’s important to note that your website will likely not show up as a top result in search engines immediately, as it takes time to build a highly searchable website. However, there are some other things you can do to establish your firm’s online presence in the meantime.

Establish a Social Media Presence

While you could create a free company profile on all of the major social media sites, you may want to concentrate on the ones most likely to be used by your potential clients. For example, if your specialty is employment law, make sure you’re more active on LinkedIn than Twitter.

An active social media presence not only allows you to communicate directly with your target audience, but also gives you an idea of what’s going on with your competition by watching their posts and interactions.

Take Advantage of Online Directories

Consider creating a profile for your law firm on online directories in order to help direct potential clients to your services. Websites such as Yelp and Google My Business are often frequented by people who are specifically looking for businesses, and they often have sections in their directories for customer reviews. People love word-of-mouth reviews, whether online or in person, so take advantage of these services (but keep an eye out for any major complaints!).

Online directories typically offer either free or paid listings, or a combination of the two that allows you to create a profile for free but pay for higher visibility.


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